Is stress taking its toll?
Can you remember feeling truly ok?
Learn a meditation technique that will help you
feel, sleep, and work better.
Welcome! I’m Joh Jarvis. I’m based in New York City.
I also teach annually in Adelaide and Sydney, Australia.
If you’re anxious, exhausted, and fed up with trying to feel better, improving how you manage stress could be the answer.
I teach a powerful and easy meditation technique that has helped millions of people.
Not only is the technique highly effective, it’s straight forward and simple: you don’t have to quiet your mind, sit a certain way, or monitor your breath.
I’ve taught this skill to a range of people from elite athletes to artists, writers to engineers, entrepreneurs to incarcerated people.
I was a leading media professional before becoming a meditation teacher, and I’m deeply familiar with stress. My experience is that Vedic Meditation is a game-changing method for managing pressure. You can read more about my personal path to meditation here.
If you want to learn more about working with me, please register for a free information session. I will explain how this technique works, how it differs from mindfulness and what you learn on a meditation app, the evidence supporting the technique, and how meditation counters stress.
The Light Inside - meditation for incarcerated people.
I am also the Founder and Executive Director of The Light Inside, an organisation established to take meditation into prisons and jails across the US and Australia. You can read about our work here and email me at joh@the-lightinside.org
Meditator: Holly Caracappa.
Artwork: Suzanne Tick
Vedic Meditation is an effortless mental technique in which you sit comfortably in a chair with eyes closed and gently think a mantra, or sound, given to you by a teacher.
Unlike other meditation techniques, there is no focus or concentration. The key is allowing the mantra to trigger a process through which the body rests deeply, allowing the mind to dive to its deeper, subtle layers.
Tension and fatigue drop away, leaving you refreshed, relaxed, and sharper. Your mind will work better. Your intelligence grows. And your sleep improves.
Three steps to a self sustainable meditation practice
1. Free Intro Talk
This is your opportunity to meet Joh and discover:
How Vedic Meditation works and how it differs from other meditation techniques
The benefits of meditation and how quickly you can see results
How this practical technique fits into the schedules of busy professionals.
The meeting is free and there’s no obligation to take the course.
2. Attend the 4-class course in person.
Vedic Meditation is taught face-to-face in small classes.
Each session is 60-90 mins over 4 days consecutively.
You will receive a mantra, or sound, and learn how to use it; plus you will discover how stress affects the mind and body and how it’s alleviated by meditation.
At the end of the course you’ll be self sufficient.
3. Free ongoing support for life!
Meditators Rennae Stubbs +. Jaimin Pateel
After the 4-class course you gain:
access to weekly, free group meditation meetings online and in person
the ability to re-sit Joh Jarvis’s course for free at any time or with any accredited Vedic Meditation teacher internationally
access to a national and global community of Vedic Meditators in person or on Zoom.
access to regular tips and support emails
“Joh taught me a simple meditation practice that is supportive and sustainable and which I’ve continued daily for the past six years.
As a busy working professional with two children, I’ve found that meditation helps me to renew my energy and clear my thoughts.
The simple and empathic inner voice that Joh provided has remained with me and helps me find the benefits in meditation without needing it to be ‘perfect’.”

Sleep improves. Work improves. Mood improves.