I’ve always thought my mind would be too busy for meditation. Why would this technique work for me?
Vedic Meditation is designed for everyday people most of whom have busy minds. Practicing the technique does not require you to stop thoughts, focus, or concentrate. Instead you use a mantra which naturally and easily takes your mind deeper to subtler layers of thinking. If that sounds like code for “you will need to focus on a mantra”, it’s definitely not.
Most meditation techniques require you to focus on your breath, a sound or a thought. Such techniques require effort and can be difficult to master.
Vedic Meditation is effortless. It’s easy to learn and practice. Anyone can do this technique, even the person with the most scattered, ADHD-type mind.
Most people spend time worrying to some extent. But the stillness and quiet that lies beyond this “noise” is easily available if you are shown how. Most new Vedic Meditators will have an experience of transcending the noise within their first few meditation sessions.
Do I have to sit cross legged on a cushion and wear special clothes?
To meditate all you need is a chair with back support so you can relax when you close your eyes. Any clothing is suitable for meditation.
How long before I see results?
The benefits will begin from your first meditation session and accumulate over time. Most people report feeling calmer and less anxious in the first week they learn to meditate. It’s not unusual within days of starting to meditate to be sleeping better and to have greater energy and clarity.
During the 4-class course you will meditate for a total of 140 minutes. This is a significant contribution to establishing an ongoing, self sustaining meditation habit.
How is Vedic meditation different to mindfulness?
Mindfulness involves effort. You are required to concentrate in order to be in the present moment and to still the mind. For most people this is difficult.
With Vedic Meditation being in the present moment is an outcome of your practice, that is, the more you practice the technique the more you experience present moment awareness in your daily life. Vedic Meditation is easy. You close your eyes, repeat a mantra and you mind settles naturally and without effort. You do not attempt to “be present”, focus or concentrate as you practice.
When people experience difficulty meditating it’s usually because the technique they are practicing requires control of the mind.
With Vedic Meditation focus and concentration are the antithesis of what is required and the results are profound and powerful.
Why is the course fee more than a drop-in meditation class or an app?
The Vedic Meditation one-off course fee gives you the personal attention of a highly trained expert who coaches you in correct technique, knowledge of how the mind and body are affected by stress and how Vedic Meditation reverses this. Not only will you become a self-sufficent and proficient meditator in a short time, you will also gain a deeper knowledge of how and why stress affects you so significantly and how meditation reverses this. This knowledge is crucial in cementing your meditation habit.
Apps and drop-in classes give you an introduction to meditation but you are dependent on someone else to provide an experience plus there is an ongoing fee to continue to practice.
Where are the classes held?
Day-time and evening classes are held monthly at a private residence in Gramercy, near Union Square, New York City. You will receive the address once you sign up for the course.
If you would like to arrange private classes at at time that is convenient to you, please email Joh requesting more information.
Joh travels annually to teach in Sydney and Adelaide, Australia.

How the Course works
Gratitude ceremony
Receive your personal mantra and learn how to use it
Practice meditating
How the mantra works
How to meditate effortlessly
Integrating a daily meditation practice into your schedule
Review and correct meditation experiences
How Vedic Meditation eliminates stress
Cementing meditation as a twice daily habit
How you can expect your life and awareness to change and expand through meditation
Ready to learn
4-Class Course
Read on to learn more about what you will learn, and how you will benefit from a twice daily Vedic Meditation practice.
About your teacher, Joh Jarvis
Read about Joh’s path from a pressured Media executive and executive producer to a Vedic Meditation teacher.
Take a Retreat
Meditation retreats are held in upstate New York. This is an opportunity to take a deep dive into your practice in beautiful surroundings.